Again, a lot of work has been done in the last period of time - as the game isn't released yet, it doesn't require me to post updates weekly / monthly, so I can easily work on bigger features. I've done a lot since the last 0.6.0 version - here goes!
Added complete initial campaign
Added flamethrower
Added new zombie
Added deployable setup
Added barbed wire deployable
Added lantern deployable
Added indoor to hospital map
Added random weather to all maps
Added doors to car
Added particle options
Added realistic smoke to main menu
Added more sounds to emitter tool
Added properties in map editor
Added more light functionality (both in editor and in-game)
Added notification to teammates dying in zombie survival mode
Improved in-game HUD
Improved network validation to prevent issues
Improved particles
Improved lagging feet behind player model
Improved shadow casting from players
Improved zombie movement (more efficient & looks better)
Improved light settings in mapeditor
Improved muzzle flashes
Improved audio emitter tool in map editor
Improved debug window
Improved car graphics
Improved car physics
Improved cutscene looks
Improved balancing of zombie rounds
Improved zombie survival mode to always be in the dusk + stormy weather
Improved network performance for fire bits
Improved pathfinding so that its smoother
Improved sound levels
Changed weapon / grenade drops to remain 10 times longer in zombie survival mode
Fixed earrape when being shot by shotgun
Fixed issue where hosting people were able to shoot on killed players
Fixed dropped weapons & money not being shown to newly joined clients
Fixed some particles misbehaving
Fixed sound issues when a lot of barbed wire was deployed
Fixed look of rooftops
Fixed some graphic glitches with zombies
Fixed bug where weapon would become invisible for other people if you swapped during reloading
Fixed dropped weapons, money and grenades not being visible for newly joined players
Fixed issue where grenade damage could be applied to killed players
Fixed main menu music issue
Optimized zombie bodies + made them look nicer
I'm currently in the process of giving away the game to more and more testers, and I'll be finishing up on some more information (roadmap, level editor + dedicated hosting documentation).
Stay tuned - maybe you'll receive a Steam Key in your inbox very soon!
Webdeveloper / Engineer / Tweaker / Producer / Gamedeveloper / Allround nerd